Surf etiquette:
5 important rules of surfing for beginners

Lesson 3

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“Why are surfers so mean?” – believe it or not, but this is a commonly used Google search term. This perceived hostility often stems from a lack of understanding of surf etiquette. As a beginner entering the world of surfing, it’s essential to dispel this stereotype and recognize that the surfing community, like any other, thrives on mutual respect and adherence to shared rules.

As you paddle out into the waves, keep in mind that the notion of surfers being mean is often rooted in encounters with novices who unintentionally break the rules of surfing. Avoid being labeled as a “kook” (a term often used for inexperienced surfers) by familiarizing yourself with surf etiquette. Not only does this contribute to a safer experience for yourself, but it also plays a crucial role in maintaining the harmony of the surf lineup.

Here are five fundamental rules of surfing to guide you on your surfing journey:

Surf etiquette: 5 important rules of surfing

1. Observe right of way

In surfing, the “right of way” refers to the established priority given to a surfer in the surf lineup to catch a wave. The general rule is that the surfer closest to the breaking part of the wave has the right of way. This principle helps maintain order in the water and reduces the risk of collisions.

2. Don't drop-in

A “drop-in” refers to the act of catching a wave in front of another surfer who already has the right of way or is in the process of riding that wave. It’s considered a breach of surf etiquette and is generally seen as disrespectful. The surfer with the right of way has priority, and dropping in on them can lead to collisions, frustration, and a disrupted flow in the surf lineup.

To avoid drop-ins and adhere to the rules of surfing, surfers should wait their turn and not paddle for a wave that another surfer is already riding. 

3. Don't snake

First of all, you’re probably wondering: “what is snaking in surfing?”. Valid question! The term “snaking” in surfing refers to a practice where a surfer maneuvers around another individual in the surf lineup, aiming to position themselves more favorably to catch a wave. Essentially, it involves paddling around someone who is already in the process of selecting or catching a wave. This behavior is considered inconsiderate and goes against the principles of surf etiquette and the rules of surfing.

4. Don't throw your board

Beginners or less experienced surfers might throw their boards unintentionally due to a lack of control or understanding of how to handle the board properly.

Throwing a surfboard is generally discouraged in the surfing community for several reasons. A thrown surfboard can pose a serious safety risk to both the person throwing it and others in the water. The board can be unpredictable in its trajectory, potentially causing injury if it hits someone.

5. Don't get in the way of other surfers when paddling back to the surf lineup

While paddling back out to the surf lineup, practicing good surf etiquette includes heeding the advice to “go wide of the break.” In surfing, this term emphasizes the importance of positioning yourself or paddling away from the area where the waves are breaking. By doing so, you not only follow a fundamental rule of surf etiquette but also avoid the risk of getting in the way of other surfers who might be riding waves or patiently waiting for their turn.

If you’re paddling back out and observe a fellow surfer catching a wave, it’s crucial to consider surf etiquette. Adjust your path to steer clear of any potential interference. Rather than heading directly towards them, choose a trajectory that ensures they won’t be in your path as you get closer. Move to the section of the wave they’ve already surfed, positioning yourself behind them.

Lesson quiz: test your knowledge

What does the term "kook" refer to in the context of surfing?

What is the term "snaking" specifically referring to in the context of surfing etiquette?

What is the "right of way" in surfing, and why is it important?


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